music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
Regarding your presidential endorsement, I was surprised to find
that there were no footnotes accompanying your editorial. The
entire endorsement could have been lifted directly from the
Democrat National Committee’s

talking points.

Dear Editor,

Regarding your presidential endorsement, I was surprised to find that there were no footnotes accompanying your editorial. The entire endorsement could have been lifted directly from the Democrat National Committee’s “talking points.”

I, too, share John Houghton’s disappointment with your recommendation and I echo his sentiments. President Bush has cut taxes, helped to revive a weak economy he inherited, and most importantly, taken the battle to a treacherous enemy on his “home court.” I am confident that our country is a safer place now than it was prior to 9/11. As a small business owner I enthusiastically endorse George W. Bush for president.

Michael Allen, Gilroy


Dear Editor,

Regarding the Dispatch Editorial endorsing John Kerry for president:

Your assertion that outsourcing of American jobs was caused by Bush tax cuts is patently absurd. Export of jobs has been a continuous trend in the U.S. for the last 40 years. Outsourcing began with the virtual elimination of protective tariffs by the Kennedy Administration and has nothing whatever to due with Bush tax policies.

Your claim that our economic woes, know to some as a recession, were caused by the self same tax cuts is impossible. The recession began six months before Bush took office, years prior to the implementation of tax cuts. Federal Reserve policies that caused the recession were implemented in 1999 and 2000. The tax cuts were passed as measure to relieve the recession. They appear to have succeeded.

Deficits are a mismatch between revenues and expenditures. All revenues and expenditures contribute to deficits. You attribute deficit responsibility to expenditures that you don’t like while ignoring far larger budget items that happen to be your pets.

How loudly would you be screaming if the Bush Administration had actually made the cuts in social program expenditures necessary to balance the budget?

Your statement that UN sanctions were working and that Iraq had no capability to acquire or produce WMDs is directly contradicted by both the Kay and Duelfer reports, not to mention today’s news release that Russia helped Iraq hide weapons just prior to the invasion … If I have time to read those reports and stories as a matter of casual interest, why can’t professional journalists be bothered to do so?

Stuart Allen, Gilroy

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