Cesar Emmanuel Diaz
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Each month, the principals of Gilroy and Christopher high schools choose a total of four students (two from GHS and two from CHS) to spotlight. CHS senior Cesar Emmanuel Diaz, 17, is this week’s Student of the Week.

-What inspires you?

I am inspired by the unfolding of life around me, all the hard work done by everyone every day. I especially see inspiration in those who help me reach for the best possible, people like: My godparents, my mother, Mrs. Kuwada, Mrs. Yoder-Schrock, the staff at CHS whom I have created friendships with and the teachers I’ve had the four years of my high school career.

-What is your favorite subject in school, and why?

My favorite subject in school has been English because I’ve had incredible teachers all four years for all five English classes I’ve taken, and because it comes easy to me. It also has helped that my godmother is an English teacher at CHS and she always helps with my work.

-If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

I would change the fact that many people in this world do not have any form of education. Many of my happy moments in life connect to school. If I had the power to change one thing in the world it would be to have everyone be able to receive an education.

-If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

If I could go anywhere I would have to say Takko-Machi, Japan. I had the honor and pleasure of going this past summer and I enjoyed it, I would go back because it was short-lived and ten days of being there was not enough and I told my “tozoku,” my family, I would be back one day.

-Name one big challenge in your life right now:

My biggest challenge right now would be the whole process of getting accepted to universities and maintaining my grades while playing sports for this last semester which will determine whether or not I will still be able to attend a university.

 -What is your dream job?

My dream job would definitely have to be becoming an esteemed, world renowned writer. I would like to be an author that is lucky enough to have his book be part of school curriculum.

-If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things could you not live without?

If I were to be deserted on an island I would not be able to survive without fresh water, or a water pump at the very least. Also I would like to have a journal to write in, a book to read and most importantly food.

-Favorite book:

My favorite book would have to be one I read as a freshman and re-read this year and that book is “The Kite Runner.” I got two completely different perspectives on the book, it has themes that people can relate to whether it be guilt, honor or family relations (good or bad).

-What do you want to do after high school?

After high school I am going to a four year university, hopefully St. Mary’s College, and major in English with a minor in Spanish and go into public relations.

-Something that makes you smile:

There are many things that make me smile. One is when I make someone else smile by being there when they need to talk or if I do something to help out. But more than anything the thing that makes me smile and always will make me smile is whenever I get to see my mom and she tells me I make her proud.

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