To schedule a lesson with PGA-certified instructor Don
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Over the past week we have had two opposite spectrums of our
weather patterns. Cold and clear nights which lead to very sunny
days and cloudy with periods of rain which leads to moist days.
Over the past week we have had two opposite spectrums of our weather patterns. Cold and clear nights which lead to very sunny days and cloudy with periods of rain which leads to moist days.

The weather can have a dramatic effect on your putting more so than any other part of the game. Just because the greens at your course are cut at the same height day after day doesn’t mean they are going to putt at the same speed day after day.

When we have periods of cold, fosty nights as we experienced lsast week that firms up the top inch or so of the putting surface. This firm surface will result in a much faster putt and your need for a more delicate stroke.

When we get the rain, this then softens up the greens and tends to slow the putt down. Your ball will gather moisture and slow down much faster than in dry conditions. So to be a complete golfer you have to be part weatherman and determine how the latest weather will effect the putting conditions at your course.

Remember, when all else fails, take a lesson, you’ll be surprised how much we can help.

SCOTT WATCH: After lesson No. 2, Scott has realized just how important practice is. It’s like going to class. You can listen to your instructor but to get an A you must do your homework. The lack of practice time hurt his progress, but didn’t hinder his enthusiasm. After we worked on his posture and not letting his head go forward at impact he was really nailing the ball at the end of the lesson.

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