Gilroy Golf Course Head Pro Don DeLorenzo.
music in the park, psychedelic furs

When the average person hears

don’t sway

they immediately over exaggerate and lock their head in in
effort to keep their body centered in one place.
When the average person hears “don’t sway” they immediately over exaggerate and lock their head in in effort to keep their body centered in one place.

The result of this is often the dreaded “reverse weight shift”. This is when in your attempt not to sway backwards during the backswing you in fact fall on to your left side during the backswing. On the downswing it’s just the reverse. You rock back to the right side running the momentum of the forward swing. The result is many mis-hits and poor timing.

Many good players move laterally on their backswing. Just like medicine a little is fine, too much is bad for you. There are two keys to allowing the right amount of lateral sway during the swing. The first is to ensure that your head does not move in front of where it started as you are striking the ball. Let your head move back slightly as you coil on the backswing. Then return it to the position it was in when you set up.

The second key is make sure your right leg remains maintains the same angle and stability during the backswing. If it collapses, you will certainly over sway on the way back.

Remember, when all else fails take a lesson, you’ll be surprised how much we can help.

SCOTT WATCH – Sports editor Scott Forstner started his golf lessons last week in a quest to conquer the game of golf. Scott’s natural athletic ability and great hand-eye coordination has taken him this far.

Being a lefty and an ex-baseball player, he has a lot of talent in both sides of his body and that has certainly helped. Scott learned about striking the ball on the downward arc to hit the ball up and that ground contact (divots) are good as long as they are after contact. He’s working very hard on his game as evidenced by the sweat pooring off his forehead during the lessons. Next lesson we will concentrate on extension through impact and the follow through.

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