music in the park, psychedelic furs

Wow, I thought it would take them a little while longer before
they fired another one. But this time they escorted her off campus,
and in order to preserve her dignity they did it early and without
a lot of publicity.

Wow, I thought it would take them a little while longer before they fired another one. But this time they escorted her off campus, and in order to preserve her dignity they did it early and without a lot of publicity. I’m sure CNN would have loved to have gotten wind of this, I can see the headline now – “Teacher not fitting in,” and “Embarrassment avoided as we escort her off campus.” I think that is good of them and I hope that when their time comes we also refrain from alerting the media.

Who do these people think they are? Excuse me, are we not in America? Don’t we have free speech rights? I guess not, as long as you are speaking against a board of peers about a problem that is apparent to all.

Instead of letting her go in the morning next time, we ought to have a lottery during lunch. Teachers can draw straws and whoever has the shortest one gets the boot. I mean, come on, how are we going to educate or students without educators?

What’s sad is teachers are being let go but the same administration is still there. I was a student there and have spoken on some issues that I see going down at that school and will continue to voice my opinion as long as I see these problems. And the real problem with Gilroy High School is Principal Bob Bravo. I think he should be the next one to get the boot. And hopefully we won’t alert the media to his being let go, won’t publicize his name in the paper, won’t dress it up all pretty and say, “Well he was good at what he did, but you know he just does not fit in.”

Speaking of not fitting in, how is that possible, I wonder? A teacher teaches. That is their job. Do they come to work? Do they teach? Do they show an interest in your child learning? If so, I think they are a fit.

Just because it is a high school does not mean the adults must act like the high school kids and decide who is in the crowd that seems a little childish. I’m sorry but that is not how you treat an adult and that is not how real professionals act. And until we can act like professionals and adults we will continue to have these problems.

Chris Rodriquez, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, March 22 to ed****@ga****.com

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