Dear Editor,
In Daniel Garcia’s latest letter (March 22), he criticizes the
Roman Catholic Church in several areas as being out of touch and in
need of reform.
Dear Editor,

In Daniel Garcia’s latest letter (March 22), he criticizes the Roman Catholic Church in several areas as being out of touch and in need of reform. I would like to address these views.

First, Mr. Garcia justifies his views allowing abortion based on it being permitted in today’s society or that people are going to do it anyway, regardless of legality.

Arguments of this type are without merit. Who has the right to decide who lives? People try to say it isn’t a baby.

All one needs to do is look at an ultrasound to know the truth. Science has shown that at conception, DNA is complete, the species is fully defined and what we have is a human being at the earliest stages of life. As Christians, the view that God knew us while we were in the womb is given in the Bible.

Mr. Garcia, the Catholic church does not discriminate against homosexuals. All people are to be treated with dignity and respect. The Catholic church, however, never approves of homosexual acts. The Bible very strongly confirms this: Gen 19:1-29; Rom 12:4-27; 1 Cor 6:10 and 1 Tim 1:10.

The Catholic Church and its laws are from Jesus and the Bible (the Word of God). As Catholics, we believe that Jesus founded our church. However, the people who make up the church are all capable of sin.

Because of this sin, the church throughout its history has had many scandals. Even Jesus was betrayed by one of His apostles. Mr. Garcia, there probably were scandals in the first century, but I am unaware of any.

In closing, Mr. Garcia justifies his views based on the morality of our society. Doing so allows him to decide what is right and wrong – who lives and who dies. He is, in effect, his own god. I choose to follow Jesus.

Steve Sepka Gilroy

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