The good news: Morgan Hill has built an outstanding aquatics
facility. This beautiful recreational facility is a wonderful asset
for the city and a low-cost outing for families.
The good news: Morgan Hill has built an outstanding aquatics facility. This beautiful recreational facility is a wonderful asset for the city and a low-cost outing for families.

The bad news: Gilroy lacks anything even close, so overcrowding at the Morgan Hill Aquatics Center is already a problem. Blankets and towels were overlapping each other, every lounge chair was being used, and there was a 20-minute wait to go down the waterslide. Lines for food and beverages move so slow that people clap when patrons get their food. A 30-minute wait for four sodas is unreasonable.

The good news: The bird sanctuary at Bonfante Gardens is a big hit. I love it, my kids love it, and everyone else in the park seems to enjoy having close encounters in the aviary.

The bad news: If the circus trees couldn’t save Bonfante Gardens, than neither will exotic birds. Unless Bonfante management can find some giant birds to ride on or birds large enough to shoot water at the crowds, birds will not save the park. At this point, Bonfante Gardens needs “less wing more prayer.”

The good news: Theater Angels Art League is designating $10,000 for the Gilroy Arts and Culture Facility. They are also supporting numerous arts and music programs in the city. Joining with your local supporters of the arts can be done for a mere $25. E-mail me for further information.

The bad news: I am now involved in Theater Angels Art League, so I will be hitting up everyone I know for $25,

The good news: Both Bonfante Gardens and the Morgan Hill Aquatics Center are great places for families. They are places that fit my definition of “family friendly.”

The bad news: I don’t get to decide what “family friendly” means. I recently discovered that the words “family friendly” can purposely exclude some families. I have seen the term “family friendly music” used when it really should say “Christian” music. What I can’t figure out is how anyone can overlook the fact that millions of friendly families are non-Christian. Of course, I think all music that doesn’t degrade people or use foul language is family friendly. I think a movie like “School of Rock” is family friendly.

The good news: School is starting in three weeks.

The bad news: School is starting in three weeks. Has anyone seen my summer? It looks like the construction underway at a few sites will not be completed in time for opening day Aug. 30. Gilroy High’s campus looks especially difficult to navigate, and will be for another year.

The good news: Three seats are up for grabs in the Gilroy School Board election.

The bad news: Rhoda Bress can only fill one of those seats.

The good news: My kids are doing well in school, I have no doubt that they will be deemed “proficient or above” based on their last round of standardized tests.

The bad news: My kids are in the minority of students in Gilroy. More than half of our students will not have achieved a proficient level of understanding of grade level work.

The good news: I am going to New York this week.

The bad news: A whole bunch of Republicans will be arriving in New York in the end of August for what promises to be a “family friendly” convention.

The good news: I will be back in Gilroy by then.

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