Dear Editor,
There should be no question that it is the right of the students
to participate in the silliness known as the Day Of Silence. Even
for such corrupt causes, it is good to instill activism, as well as
civil disobedience, on campus at an early age.
Dear Editor,
There should be no question that it is the right of the students to participate in the silliness known as the Day Of Silence. Even for such corrupt causes, it is good to instill activism, as well as civil disobedience, on campus at an early age.
However, participation by *faculty* is nothing but pro-homosexual indoctrination, and it shows the total lack of professionalism rampant in the Gilroy Unified School District. Why indoctrination? It is part of the Gay Agenda, and sponsorship thereof has no place in public schools. What about others who get put down, such as kids who are fat or have speech problems?
To the Gilroy School Board: You still have time to act to prevent this in 2006. This is what you are elected to do. Such political activism “in the workplace” is not a First Amendment right; it is prohibited by private and public sectors alike. Make the policy clear, and if Sally Enriquez or others participate, remove them immediately and shamefully.
And to the fool who sent the alleged threat to Enriquez: All you are doing is strengthening the resolve of the sympathizers. Take it up with the school board; half of them are up for re-election this November.
And to the taxpayers: The district is also going to push to renew the tax they conned people into supporting in 1992. Make it clear to the board and to the superintendent (and send copies to the new Gilroy High School principal while you’re at it) that if this isn’t stopped, you will firmly resolve to vote against renewing ANY future bond.
Alan Viarengo, Gilroy