music in the park, psychedelic furs

CHEERS for the City Council for at long last taking a serious
approach to the impacts that high-speed rail would have here.
CHEERS for the City Council for at long last taking a serious approach to the impacts that high-speed rail would have here. Gilroy sat on its collective hands for a long time and watched as the California High Speed Rail Authority drama unfolded. The Council is finally taking a look at spending some money for sorely needed expert advice. Unless the political move that’s afoot absolutely derails the project, Gilroy should prepare as if the rail will one day come to fruition. That may mean a fight or a conditional acceptance, but our leaders need good information.

JEERS for Welburn area resident Chris Cote. Really, three appeals that cost Gilroy taxpayers more than $5,000 so far after putting up a barbed fence complete with razor wire that clearly doesn’t meet city code? The city should take another look at its approach to code enforcement. Sometimes trying to be reasonable does not work. Gilroy should pursue a property lien to recover its costs related to the fence code violation and hopefully the judge who receives Cote’s appeal will have the common sense to toss it out of court immediately.

CHEERS for the holiday lights show at Gilroy Gardens. The Gardens are the perfect venue for a holiday family outing. It’s a peaceful place that Michael Bonfante created – a blend of nature’s wonders and man’s creativity all dressed up in the holiday spirit. There aren’t too many places where young children can really have fun and, at the same time, parents can relax. The park is open from 4 to 9 p.m. (Dec. 3-5, 10-12, 17-23 and 26-30) and there’s a nightly performance of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at the Lakeside Amphitheater, so bundle up and check out what’s become a great Gilroy holiday tradition.

CHEERS for soon to be 90 years old Ann Jaszewski who is celebrating her birthday by inviting the public to join her on a 5K Charity Walk Saturday morning. The celebration begins at the picnic area in Christmas Hill Park. Check in time is 8 a.m. and the $30 donation will go to Hospice of the Valley and get you a T-shirt, breakfast and a warm feeling. After the walk, there will be entertainment and raffle prizes. What a great idea her daughters, Terri and Suzie, came up with. You can register right now on the web at What a great way to start your Saturday.

JEERS for the prolonged cold snap. It’s too early in the winter season for days on end of 26-degree mornings. Perhaps Mother Nature will give Gilroyans a break for a while.

CHEERS for the downtown Christmas Tree Lighting festivities which began earlier this year at 2 p.m. and include holiday booths and a doggie dress up contest at 3:30 p.m. Pet owners can be pretty creative when it comes to getting Fido dressed for the season, so that’s always good entertainment. The tree lighting is at 6:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. on shoppers and gatherers will be treated to continuous entertainment.

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