58.6 F
October 17, 2024

What a blogging good time

Ever feel like you could make a point better than the writer

Parents should steer kids in right direction

Poor Hannah Montana. Her real-life persona, Miley Cyrus, has

A Sweet Deal for Stay-at-home Moms

Two Hollister residents turn at-home baking into full-time jobs

The first grand slam

Early this March at the San Francisco Regional held in Burlingame, partner Norm Dow and I experienced the most exciting hand we have ever played.

A Puzzling Phenomenon

A few evenings ago, I walked into my neighbor's house and

Is your life really going anywhere?

The old Ed Sullivan Show used to have a guy come on who would spin plates on tall poles. The more plates he got spinning, the harder he had to work to keep them from falling. Pretty soon, all his time was spent juggling those plates. A lot of us have lives that resemble that plate spinner; we run ourselves ragged just trying to keep up.

French Fries Only One Use for Potatoes

One of my favorite staple foods is the potato. Sturdy and

Carefully Consider Giving Pets as Gifts

This is the time of year that finds many of us scurrying around

Mt. Diablo’s redeeming views

When I stepped out of the car at the Mount Diablo summit parking lot, my heart sunk. In a thicket of clouds dense with drizzle, the racing wind ripped my just-opened car door from my hand. The wind chill must have been in the low 30s; a brisk morning for mid-May.

