Dear Editor,
A few comments are needed regarding the Dispatch’s


to the Gilroy Teachers Association collective bargaining
agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District referencing

75 minutes

to do


work once per week.
Dear Editor,

A few comments are needed regarding the Dispatch’s “Jeers” to the Gilroy Teachers Association collective bargaining agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District referencing the “75 minutes” to do “extra” work once per week.

On the average, certificated employees donate more than 120 extra, non-paid minutes per DAY, not per week, to GUSD.

Teachers work 40 extra hours per month without pay in an attempt to achieve academic excellence. Teachers aren’t concerned about the paid 75-minute meeting per week; rather, they are more concerned about adding to the 120 extra, non-paid minutes per day.

A GUSD certificated employee works 186 (not 184) days or 37.2 weeks per contractual year. They don’t get paid for 14.8 weeks of the year, nor do they get paid vacations or holidays. Many teachers work a second job during the non-paid weeks as GUSD is the lowest paid district in Santa Clara County.

Achieving excellence in student achievement is a long, painful process in which all aspire for success. The Stupski Foundation found willing partners (GUSD and GTA) to give it a shot.

Jeff Nelson, Stupski Foundation consultant, mentioned in the original meeting between the parties that the district must be careful “… not to put everything on the backs of the teachers.”

He commented then that teachers are already overworked, and for GUSD to be successful, it must take “something off the teacher’s plate” when implementing extra work or new ideas.

Maybe the parties should bring Mr. Nelson back for a reminder.

Dale Morejón, Gilroy

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