music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
I am writing at the suggestion of a friend in response to the
recent commentary by Kat Teraji regarding the lack of Emergency
Animal Services in the city of Gilroy.
Very Sorry State of Emergency Care for South County Pets

Dear Editor,

I am writing at the suggestion of a friend in response to the recent commentary by Kat Teraji regarding the lack of Emergency Animal Services in the city of Gilroy.

The problem is worse than residents of Gilroy might think. And interestingly enough, I sent an e-mail to the Red Phone on this same subject just this week.

The ONLY emergency care from 6pm to 6am is in San Jose at The United Emergency Animal Hospital on Bascom Avenue near Hamilton, with a second clinic in the Santa Theresa area in south San Jose. All three county locations to the north of Morgan Hill have no interest, nor the capacity, to in handling our needs. That is what I’ve been told each time I say “I live in Gilroy.”

There is nothing from 6pm to 6am for folks in Gilroy, San Martin, and Morgan Hill with respect to finding and bringing in stray animals, nor with respect to emergency services.

If the San Martin Animal Shelter is open for this, lots of luck to anyone getting the appropriate telephone number from directory assistance or reaching a human being.

I’ve tried on four different occasions, all at night or on a weekend, all during an emergency or stray animal situation, with absolutely NO luck whatsoever.

If after all the thousands of dollars we each pay to Santa Clara County they are still crying “broke” and can’t step up to the task of servicing it’s citizens and our pets welfare, vet clinics need to go out onto a limb and do so.

We need this service in Gilroy. It is not my impression that we should rely on San Martin Shelter for ANYTHING at this point.

C.L. Taylor, Gilroy

Plenty of Blame and Responsibility for War on Both Sides

Dear Editor,

For a split second I was agreeing with Alan Viarengo’s Jan. 19 letter regarding his views on the draft, and then he ruined the good feelings with his erroneous assumptions that it’s solely Democrats that want war.

Why keep dividing the country more with your exaggerations?

It was both Republicans and Democrats who got us into this Iraq war in the first place, both parties have to face that reality, and accept that responsibility.

Furthermore, when considering the Republicans and Democrats that I speak with, there are plenty on both sides that support the draft, and plenty who do not.

As far as I know only ONE democrat, Charlie Rangell is the one that wants to re-instate the draft, not ALL Democrats.

I was hoping that this 2008 election time around, people would be more truthful.

Mary Jacinta, Gilroy

Thanks for Story on Lions Club

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing the article “Gilroy Lions celebrate 50th Anniversary.”

Elias Mitri, Board of Directors, Gilroy Lions

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