Dear Editor:
The California division of the American Association of
University Women is opposed to Prop. 54, Classification by Race,
Ethnicity, Color, or National Origin.
Dear Editor:
The California division of the American Association of University Women is opposed to Prop. 54, Classification by Race, Ethnicity, Color, or National Origin. Our Gilroy Branch urges voters to consider the following reasons and vote against this short-sighted and harmful measure.
Prop. 54 is not about privacy, but is about barring access to crucial information we need to asses the quality of our institutions. Lack of data will certainly have significant adverse impacts on public school accountability, vigorous protection and full access to civil rights as well as public health and equitable access to healthcare.
California is the most populous state in the union with approximately 12 percent of the nations’s population. Without California data, no statistical picture of the United States can be crafted.
AAUW-CA supports equitable funding for quality public education including programs and services for all students of any culture, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
Connie Rogers, Gilroy,
Public Policy Chair, Gilroy Branch, submitted Wednesday, Oct. 1