music in the park, psychedelic furs

CHEERS for the weather forecast for Garlic Festival weekend.
It’s always key. Nice and warm, people stay longer and spend more
CHEERS for the weather forecast for Garlic Festival weekend. It’s always key. Nice and warm, people stay longer and spend more money. Too hot, and lethargy sets in while they contemplate heading for the gate. So, the forecast for upper 70s and mid-80s is a mighty fine omen as the festival turns 32 and turns toward sustainable green. The whole sustainability theme fits right in with the Festival’s return to local roots. Love it that local blues legend John Garcia is back in the music fold. Love it that locals can get in for a few dollars less on Friday.

JEERS for the Santa Clara Valley Water District which is wrestling with whether or not to spend $1.5 million on a ballot measure to allow voters to determine whether or not term limits will apply to the newly configured Board. Why? Unfortunately, the voters pay little attention and the Board continues to preside over spending money like, well, water.

CHEERS for Gilroy Golf Course pro Don DeLorenzo who is celebrating 25 years of running the historic course on Hecker Pass Highway by – what else – throwing a golf tournament. All proceeds will go to charity and most certainly a good time will be had by all who enjoy the tournament or post-round dinner. “DeLo” with his good humor and wry smile has been a perfect fit for our 11-hole gem and done so much more via volunteer efforts in this community. A tip of the cap.

JEERS for the city surpassing the $100,000 mark in litigation fees for Berliner-Cohen in the effort to shut down the medical marijuana facility on First Street. The city’s right – no business should be able to open without a license (or all businesses should be able to open without one). But the route to victory, if it ends in that, has been far too costly. The Council should closely re-examine why that is the case. If the legal advice isn’t the best our hard-earned tax money can buy, then why are we paying such incredible sums?

CHEERS for all those who’ve decided to run for City Council in November. Former Councilman Paul Kloecker’s back in the race after a 15-year hiatus, and the field is at six and counting. Looks to be one of the most spirited races in a very long time. That’s healthy for our community.

JEERS for the mountain lion sighting near the Uvas Levee trail. It’s always worrisome when one of the powerful cats makes its way into contact with civilization. Fortunately, violent encounters are extremely rare, so just keep your wits about you if you’re walking around the popular trail.

CHEERS for the Gilroy Police Department which broke up a counterfeit ring churning out fake bills in a local motel room. Passing phony $100 bills to local establishments has a serious impact on business. Getting the criminals behind bars is good follow up on the tip police say they received and good execution. It’s a good news story of a job well done.

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