music in the park, psychedelic furs

What’s the site?

I’ve mentioned several times, Ms. Munson put out a brief blurb
out on the Gilroy Unified School District’s new Web site, but
didn’t put how to reach it. Could you put that out? 10-4, bye,

What’s the site?

“I’ve mentioned several times, Ms. Munson put out a brief blurb out on the Gilroy Unified School District’s new Web site, but didn’t put how to reach it. Could you put that out? 10-4, bye, bye!”

Red Phone:

You got it, caller. The site mentioned by reporter Kristen Munson is the same one the district has always had – just a little revamped. Check it out at

Modern monstrosity

“Hi Red Phone. First, the Garlic Festival Association … a modern building, it’s not at all attractive, it kind of reminds me of what they’re trying to do to the old city hall. They should do something Spanish-style, like Santana Row. Look how beautiful that looks, instead of doing some ugly modern monstrosity.

“Secondly, I loved having the sales for the week in real estate. Could you print that again? It used to be in the real estate section. Thanks.”

Red Phone:

Your comment on the GFA’s new headquarters has now been heard. However, the Red Phone was at a loss as to your second comment. Sorry, it just has no idea what you’re talking about. Feel free to call back and let the Red Phone know specifically what you’d like printed again.

Trap those rats

“I wanted to make a comment. I think Mr. Weir was absolutely correct. Gilroy has an epidemic of rats. I’ve caught three in the last two weeks. I have a few helpful hints for Gilroy rat trappers. No. 1: Use peanut butter as bait, not cheese. Rats love peanut butter. It’s their delicacy. No. 2: Make sure the traps are away from pets. You don’t want your cat or dog to get their paw caught in a trap. No. 3: Rats are very smart. Set traps with the hook wire barely hanging on, as rats will clean a trap without it going off. Happy hunting!”

Red Phone:

Thanks for the tips, good caller, though Red Phone has yet to witness any rats combing the streets of Gilroy. But apparently some have. Red Phone thanks you for the helpful hints on behalf of all.

More on TJs

“My comment pertains to the comments about Trader Joe’s coming to Morgan Hill because people are more educated than Gilroy. Big deal. You give me all of the box stores that we have, you can buy anything you want. Gilroy has planned retail shopping very well. It’s all in town. Not 10 miles away. It’s location, location, location. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, caller. Seems many were offended by the comments, though in its last column, Red Phone offered census statistics showing the unfortunate proof. But still, it agrees with you that it’s all about location – and Gilroy indeed offers the opportunity to purchase just about anything anyone could want.


Do you have a comment, complaint or compliment about an issue that affects Gilroy and its residents? Perhaps you’d like to suggest a turn signal at a troubled intersection? Or maybe offer up a compliment for a good job done by city workers? Just let the Red Phone know. But remember to leave a name and number when you call or e-mail. The Red Phone won’t publish this information – it will only be used if verification is necessary. Contact the Red Phone at 842-9070 or e-mail re******@gi************.com.

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