music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,

Good column by Lisa Pampuch on the biker rally. I thought you’d enjoy what the “outside” biker world thinks of the debacle in Hollister this year. “You” people (meaning the three no votes on the City Council and their supporters) are freaks. As bikers, we expect to be looked down on by the uninformed, but come on!

I go to rallies all over the East coast. Last year I was at Sturgis, South Dakota. Like other bikers, I spend a lot of money on camping, hotels, meals and goods. There are hundreds of thousands like me. Johnstown, Pennsylvania got into the rally act about four years ago and it is going gangbusters. They love it. Gettysburg Bike Week this year broke all attendance records. They love it. Morgantown, West Virginia, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Virginia Beach, Virginia … I could go on and on and on. Not just the large rallies like Sturgis, Daytona and Laconia but so many small and medium size towns as well host them now. Just look it up on to see how many there are. All without problems and all moneymakers.

The comments made by the San Benito County Sheriff were absolutely despicable. He sounds like the perfect nazi. Maybe “Johnny” was right, the folks in Hollister are “squares” man. They are the laughing stock of the biker world, that’s for sure. And not to figure out how to run a successful rally, which every other town, small and large, across the country has done is absolutely stunning.

I thought garlic was suppose to be good for you. If this is the result I’m staying away from the stuff!

Just kidding about the garlic.

Gary Van Buskirk “The Big Boo”, Virginia

Editor’s note: The editor would like to respectfully let ‘Big Boo’ know that Gilroy successfully runs the Garlic Festival each and every year on the last full weekend in July and that Hollister, which can’t seem to get its act together regarding the rally, is down the road. Garlic is good for you, and every July we, in Gilroy, prove it.

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