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Attention Gilroy homeowners: Residents of Hollister

with no financial stake in the matter

are going to vote on whether to increase the property tax rate
in Gilroy.

Attention Gilroy homeowners: Residents of Hollister “with no financial stake in the matter” are going to vote on whether to increase the property tax rate in Gilroy. Not really. But does that sound fair? Does it sound ridiculous?

Well no more unfair and ridiculous than the rules for voting regarding Measure I, and the manner in which Measure I is to be paid for. First, the voting inequity.

Let me get this straight: There is a vote on whether my property tax will increase in order to pay for this measure, yet individuals without one ounce of financial stake in this measure will be allowed to vote as well? Why? If individuals who own property in the “District” are to pay for this measure, why are others who will pay NOTHING allowed to cast a vote? Talk about representation without taxation! Who are these “freeloaders” you ask?

They are renters, property owners outside the taxable area of this bond measure, business owners who do not live in Gilroy and seasonal farm workers, to name a few. All will directly or indirectly enjoy the benefits of improved schools, yet will be required to pay nothing!! You no darn well how the individuals who fall into these categories will be voting. And why not? It is actually YOU, Mr. and Mrs. property owner, who, by paying higher taxes required if this measure passes, will subsidize their portion. Now THAT sounds fair. While you are at it, property owners, why don’t you pay for the uniforms and lunches for their children. In fact, don’t stop there. Pay their phone, PG&E and cable taxes as well. Doing so would be, in essence, no different that what you will be FORCED to do if Measure I passes.

Second, the financial inequity. One of the trite arguments coming from the “For Measure I” side is that this is a “community” issue, and improved schools helps and benefits the “community.” Well, Al Pinheiro, Bob Sigala, Craig Gartman, Tom Springer, Edwin Diaz, Pete Arellano, Bob Dillon, Charlie Morales, Sig Sanchez, Don Gage, Simon Salinas, Bruce McPherson and all the other “Vote Yes on I” supporters, if this is such a “community” issue/problem, why does YOUR measure force only property owners to pay the entire tab?

All the creative minds behind this measure, and the best (and most equitable) solution they could come up with was, “Place and additional tax on property owners. After all, they can afford it.” This is one of the biggest flaws of this measure. To tout this measure as something that will benefit ALL, yet not require ALL to help pay for it is nothing but lazy democratic socialism at its finest. And please spare us the, “Better schools will increase your property values” dribble.

Allin Townsend, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, Oct. 21 to ed****@ga****.com

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