Often times you can troubleshoot your golf games’ own
shortcomings if you are supplied with just a little golf
Often times you can troubleshoot your golf games’ own shortcomings if you are supplied with just a little golf knowledge. The golf swing is basically a circle. At some point there is a bottom or lowest point of that circle. We call that the lowest point of the circle the bottom of the arc of the swing. We always want to strike any ball that we play off the ground just before the bottom of the arc of the swing. In order to make sure that the bottom of the arc of the swing is were you want it to be make sure your weight has transfer from your right leg towards your left leg.

If you keep your weight on your right leg on the downswing then the bottom of the swing is going to be behind the ball and you will take a divot there. If you slide your lower body laterally thus transfering the weight towards your left leg then the bottom of the swing will be right at the ball and you will hit a nice clean shot. If you transfer your weight to far forward by lunging forward with your head and upper body than the bottom of the swing will be in front of the ball and so you will top it. Try putting your weight on all these spots and swing. It will tell you a lot about where the bottom of the arc really is.

Remember, when all else fails, take a lesson, you’ll be surprised how much we ca help.

To schedule a lesson with PGA-certified instructor Don DeLorenzo, call Gilroy Golf Course at 848-0490.

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