Dear Editor,
I would like to respond to comments made by Alan L. Johnson in
his letter dated January 7, 2006. Mr. Johnson needs a dose of
Dear Editor,
I would like to respond to comments made by Alan L. Johnson in his letter dated January 7, 2006. Mr. Johnson needs a dose of reality.
The day of the Wrecker Driver ended 20 years ago. Today’s towing operators are trained and certified professionals. They are entrusted with equipment that costs in excess of $100,000. A tow truck operator today, has to be able to calculate line loads, winch & boom capacities, and the weight and resistance of the casualty to be recovered in order to assure that safe working load limits are maintained. If this is not done the results could be catastrophic and/or fatal.
Even a simple tow requires math. An operator must be able to calculate the weight of the towed vehicle in relation to the front and rear axle weights of the tow truck to maintain 50 percent of the front axle weight to be able to steer and stop the tow truck. For someone to make judgments like that about a person’s profession is thoughtless. Next time, hopefully, he will check out what he is saying before he starts assuming he knows what he’s talking about and insulting people.
Furthermore there have been many individuals in our history that have overcome their lack of education to go on and do great things.
Dion Bracco, Gilroy
Bracco’s Towing & Transport, Inc.