Dear editor:
Those opposed to the recalling Governor Davis are ignoring
growing voter discontent over his deplorable job performance.
(Opinion, June 23,
Republicans are abusing recall right
Dear editor:
Those opposed to the recalling Governor Davis are ignoring growing voter discontent over his deplorable job performance. (Opinion, June 23, “Republicans are abusing recall right”).
Davis’s fund-raising tactics have been characterized as ” pay for play” and have directly contributed to the California’s fiscal emergency. Overly generous prison guard pay increases and unsustainable pension benefits for state employees are just two examples of the political pay off which Davis has used to secure votes from large constituencies that contributed heavily to his campaign.
The negative consequences affecting the budget are now beginning to be realized for such legislation that the Democrat-dominated Legislature carried and which the governor signed.
In an arrogant disregard for the democrat process, Davis once told the Legislature that it was their job to enact his vision. His recent attempt to eliminate reporting of public meetings under the Brown Act proves he lacks the leadership to effectively to run the state. The voting public is finally waking up to that reality.
The recall of has been a legal and a legitimate means for voters to remove public officials from office in California since 1911. If the required number of signatures is gathered to qualify a ballot measure, than the voters can decide if Davis should be removed.
With such low approval numbers, it is very likely that the recall will be successful. It took a revolution to end the rule of George the III over the colonists, but it will only take a recall to end the rule of Gray Davis in California.
Warren Seifert, Gilroy
Submitted Wednesday, June 25, to ed****@ga****.com