Dear Editor:
In last Friday’s issue of The Dispatch, there were two letters
that got my attention in a negative way.
Dear Editor:

In last Friday’s issue of The Dispatch, there were two letters that got my attention in a negative way. The first was the penned by fellow Starbuck’s addict Denise Apuzzo, who feels the need to berate “fundamentalist” Christians. I will deal with her misguided and confused ramblings in another letter. Secondly, Doug Meier decides to weigh in on the Trent Lott debacle spinning fact laced with fiction to concoct a self-righteous brew of nonsense.

I will stipulate that Trent Lott made stupid comments that gave the impression that he supported segregation. In 1948, Trent Lott was 7 years old. Trent Lott has never been a KKK member nor has anyone documented that he was racist. His vote against a federal holiday for Martin Luther King does not mean he’s racist. The fact that he liked Strom Thurmond does not mean he is racist. Colleagues on both sides of the aisle issued statements that Sen. Lott did not have a racist bone in his body. I am not here to defend Lott, but rather to highlight the hypocritical machinations of liberals. When Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd used the word “nigger” on the FOX News last year, liberals gave him a pass. Why? Because Byrd supports the liberal agenda. They also seem to forget that Byrd was a card-carrying member of the KKK. Let us not forget that it was the party of Lincoln, the Republicans, that first embraced blacks in the south.

The Republican platform is one of smaller government, lower taxes, personal responsibility, inclusive equality for all and much more. For Meier to state that the Republican Party’s “inner circle is dominated by bitter white men” shows how truly ignorant he is.

Consider the fact that while the liberals poster child, Bill Clinton, talked a good game about race, it was a Republican president, George W. Bush who appointed two Americans of African descent to senior cabinet posts. Republican’s are making huge inroads in the Hispanic and Asian communities. These minority groups are realizing that the liberals and Democrats have sold them out. They have talked big and created huge social service bureaucracies to give the impression that these bleeding hearts cared more for them. These groups now see that the liberal Democrats were doing nothing more than pandering. Liberals are notorious for keeping the race issue in the forefront in order to further their agenda.

According to liberals, evil is caused by rich, angry white men. According to liberals, all corporations are corrupt and stomp on the backs of minorities. According to liberals, our president wants to attack Iraq to get its oil. According to liberals, Christians are intolerant.

Liberals are the most hypocritical and intolerant people on earth. The Red Diaper Doper Babies like Meier and Dennis Taylor will no doubt go to their respective graves apologizing for being white.

A sizable majority of Hispanics and Asians and most other Americans believe in the major planks of the Republican Party. Republican’s believe in traditional family values, educational opportunity, the sanctity of human life and personal responsibility. Liberals who push the “tomb to the womb” form of government remind me of a drug dealer that gives out free samples of cocaine or heroin knowing the person trying the free drugs will become addicted and become dependent on the pusher for their very survival. Democrats have similarly created so many programs, give-a-ways and safety nets that people have become dependent on government.

Rather than race baiting, Republicans welcome all – not on the basis of race, but on the basis of common core beliefs. Republican’s believe in providing a hand up rather than a hand out. The liberals social experiment has failed. Don’t believe it? Just take a look around. Billions upon billion of dollars for social experiments wasted.

California is primed for change. The Democrats and liberals are responsible for the largest deficit for a state in United States history (in excess of $35 billion). The Democrats were left with a surplus of over $12 billion dollars when Gray Davis took the helm. Our credit rating is in shambles.

For many years, the Demo’s have controlled both the state senate and the state Assembly. Now companies are fleeing the state in droves. High-energy costs, higher taxes, family leave, outrageous regulation and workman’s compensation Insurance rates have made California the most business unfriendly state in the union. Thousand of Californian’s will lose their jobs. With the loss of these jobs and subsequent lost tax revenues, the states financial crisis will deepen. Then the liberals will put forth more and more tax increases to offset the debt and on and on and on.

No doubt the liberals will find a way to blame angry, bitter white men for this disaster as well.

Mark Zappa, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, Jan. 6 to ed****@ga****.com

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