The following individuals and organizations deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
The following individuals and organizations deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:
CHEERS: For Don Christopher, who donated land to the Gilroy Unified School District for a new Las Animas Elementary School. The $6 million gift will result in Gilroy’s second high school – which won’t be built for a number of years – being named Christopher High. So, we’ll have a CHS and GHS rivalry in town. There’s no truth to the rumor the mascot will be “the Bulbs” after the garlic magnate’s most famous crop from “C” Ranch, but it’s fun to speculate. Christopher’s generous gift will allow GUSD to use bond funds for a variety of other improvements, and it certainly stands out as an exceedingly gracious donation to our community. Thank you.
CHEERS: For the adoption of English textbooks at Gilroy High. That’s an encouraging step in the right direction for setting standards and raising expectations. The textbook adoption will help standardize instruction and bring clarity to what had become an “anything goes” approach to classroom instruction.
JEERS: For the axing of 85 trees at South Valley Plaza. Perhaps in a year’s time it will make sense – if the center does become revitalized. But now it just seems like it has made the center less inviting for shoppers. And the increased visibility doesn’t exactly yield an enticing view. Should Gilroy, CA , an officially designated Tree City, USA, have a fund that property owners who wanted to cut down large numbers of trees would have to contribute to? We think so.
CHEERS: For the adoption of a physical education policy by the Gilroy School Board. At long last, a P.E. policy exists. Now that we’ve got the words on paper, let’s follow that up with a commitment of time and resources. It’s a policy we can’t afford to let become a “couch potato.”
CHEERS: For Mildred, 90, and Sandoe Hanna, 92, who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last weekend. It’s an astounding milestone that was celebrated with hundreds, friends and family alike. What a nice tribute to a wonderful couple which has graced Gilroy for nearly a century.
JEERS: For the ever-rising costs of the proposed new Gilroy Police Station. Now, it’s the price of steel that has jumped. The price tag is $28 million at this juncture. The City Council needs to take a very hard look at this ballooning project and consider thrifty alternatives.
CHEERS: For the upcoming Memorial Day Parade, a grand tradition since 1998. There were 120 parade entries last year and the deadline to enter is May 1. Give Councilman Craig Gartman a call at 710-6090 for details.