The lights at the intersection of 10th and Arroyo Circle next to Best Buy take a long time to switch. You sit there for a while and no cars are coming from the west. Can you see if this can be looked at?
Red Phone:
Good caller, Red Phone was initially stumped because 10th Street does not intersect Arroyo Circle. However, after conferring with a street map of Gilroy, Red Phone believes the caller meant 10th and Camino Arroyo. Since this intersection is on Highway 152, Caltrans is responsible for the traffic lights.
Caltrans District 4 Public Information Officer, Bernard Walik, reported that a field investigation would be scheduled to look at the problem.
“This intersection is checked at least once a year,” he said.
For those who are technically inclined, Red Phone found out the lights are under microprocessor control with signal inputs from sensors that detect the traffic volume on Camino Arroyo and in the left turn lanes on 10th Street, which in turn determines the on-time for their respective green lights. From noon to 7 p.m. everyday, the sensors actuate the traffic lights; if the sensors do not detect traffic, the green light favors traffic on the mainline, Highway 152. For the remaining time, the traffic lights are free running.
For those who observe non-emergency, traffic-related problems on state roads, visit the Caltrans website, to request a review.