Dear editor,
What is Sheriff Laurie Smith hiding, and why won’t she publicly face her opponent Kevin Jensen? Smith was invited to the Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women candidate forum but declined. She accepted an invitation to the Sheriff’s Forum hosted by the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Patriots on 5/22 at the San Martin Lions Club until she found out some of the individuals in the group supported Kevin Jensen. So? Her campaign accused GMHP of “endorsing” Jensen, however GMHP doesn’t endorse any candidate. One would think, If you are the better candidate you would want to make your case and set the record straight right? Not this Sheriff. Her campaign went on to state “In addition Sheriff Smith will not partake in any debate or forum until Kevin Jensen disavows and apologizes for the dishonest and anonymous personal attacks on her.” Wow, how unprofessional and childlike to put an outsider (GMHP) in the middle of campaign bickering. I don’t know what Sheriff Laurie’s hiding, but I do know that we the people need maturity and transparency from our public officials. But don’t take my word, call her and ask her why she won’t publicly debate her opponent? I say until she does and proves she’s worthy of another four years, we vote for Kevin Jensen for Santa Clara County Sheriff.
Georgine Scott-Codiga

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