Bob Bravo – Gilroy High School Principal
Favorite Book:

The Divine Comedy

(commonly called

Dante’s Inferno

) by Dante Alighieri
Bob Bravo – Gilroy High School Principal

Favorite Book: “The Divine Comedy” (commonly called “Dante’s Inferno”) by Dante Alighieri

Book synopsis: An epic poem from the 1300s in which a guide named Vergil takes Dante on a journey through Hell, revealing how sins in one’s lifetime are punished in the afterlife.

Why is it your favorite book?: “It was the first time I felt like I was reading about important things and big philosophical questions. Before that reading just felt like entertainment. It was just about stories.”

How did it change your life?: “It did a good job preparing me for college. The level of discussion that we had in class because of that book was just a whole different level than before.”

Why did you read the book?: “It was part of an assignment when I was in the 12th grade.”

In concert with the Gilroy Unified School District’s “Love of Literacy Week,” The Dispatch will ask high-profile folks around town to discuss their favorite books. Interviews will run through the end of “Literacy Week,” Nov. 18 to 22. For more information on the first-of-its-kind program here, call the district at 847-2700. On Nov. 18, the GUSD Web site ( will have a special home page listing literacy activities being done around the district.

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