Readers take on traffic woes head on, respond to criticism over
the lack of a mayoral endorsement from the firefighters and thank a
friendly restaurant, the Westside Grill
Traffic Nightmare Created by the City Driving Shoppers Away

Dear Editor,

After reading “Wal-Mart’s Tax Shuffle” on the Opinion page in Thursday’s, Oct. 11 Dispatch, all I can say is

“boo hoo.”

Stop crying and whining city officials! It is your own fault for not providing access to that shopping area east of U.S. 101.

I live on the west side of Gilroy and cringe whenever I need to go to the Gilroy Crossing Center, Pacheco Pass Center, or when traveling over Pacheco Pass. Even trying to go to Orchard Supply is an unwelcome trip because driving east on 10th Street is a nightmare, with traffic backing up to Monterey Road.

Then, add the inconvenience of a freight train going through town and traffic is stopped as far west as Church Street or farther. Poor, poor designing.

In fact, not only will the city of Gilroy lose the taxes from Wal-Mart, but it has already lost the taxes from Target, because I’m off to Morgan Hill to shop!

Susan Mister, Gilroy

The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.

Criticism of the Brave Firefighters as ‘Gutless’ Just More ‘Dribble’

Dear Editor,

This is in response to Mr. Mark Zappa’s letter to the editor regarding the Gilroy firefighter’s union not endorsing a mayoral candidate. Mr. Zappa just because the fire union does not see the world through your eyes does not mean you’re gutless. If they would have endorsed anyone but Craig Gartman you would have put some other negative spin on it.

Furthermore; the firefighters of Gilroy are some of the bravest souls in this city. So, the next time you’re sitting at Starbucks with your coffee and spouting your dribble and a firefighter comes in, do everyone a favor and don’t try and snuggle up and justify your comments. You’re already spooning with Gartman and there’s no room in your bed.

Bruce Compton, Gilroy

A Big Thank You to the Folks at Westside Grill

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank John Holder and his entire staff at the Westside Grill for making our dinner party a great success. The food prepared by Chef Wilson and his kitchen staff was delicious. A special thanks to Steve, Jamie and Jose for making sure we had everything we needed the entire evening.

Margene Peterson, Gilroy

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