Dear Editor,
Wednesday marked Gilroy High School’s first Parent/Teacher Club
meeting of the year. There were more than 60 participants
– returning parents, staff and many new faces. The meeting was
translated into Spanish by Maria Sorenson for the many
Spanish-speaking parents in attendance.
Dear Editor,

Wednesday marked Gilroy High School’s first Parent/Teacher Club meeting of the year. There were more than 60 participants – returning parents, staff and many new faces. The meeting was translated into Spanish by Maria Sorenson for the many Spanish-speaking parents in attendance.

The people in attendance had many questions and some concerns about what kind of experience their students were going to receive both socially and academically on our campus. These concerns were addressed by James Maxwell, principal. This was clearly an expectant audience, eager to hear and see what GHS’ goals and plans were for the future, a future that we all have a stake in as we work together for the success of our students.

Unfortunately, however, we were rushed while trying to communicate this meeting to parents. Auto-caller was activated only the day before, as well as staff e-mail. We apologize if anyone was uniformed and found out about it the meeting through others. However, the turnout was exceptional especially for the short notice, and we hope that more people attend the next meeting which will be communicated clearly and with more notice.

The urgency of this meeting was primarily because of our need for parent volunteers, both in the book room and the library, as well as three individuals willing to serve on the School Site Council which is scheduled to meet this coming week (Sept. 5). Parent volunteers are always appreciated, and please call the school to let us know your availability.

Also, please know that any and all interested people involved with GHS, either as a parent, guardian or staff member are always welcome at these meetings. It was a spirited meeting, and we appreciated seeing everyone. The momentum started from previous years’ leaders and especially last year’s leaders needs to continue because they started the momentum of this group and we want it to continue to grow even stronger, for the benefit of our students and school.

Thank you all, and we look forward to communicating to you the date of the next Parent/Teacher meeting in a few weeks.

Valerie Hunt, Martin Garcia, Diane Baty, Charlie Morales and Cathy Silva, Officers, GHS Parent/Teacher Organization

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