music in the park, psychedelic furs

I would like to thank the people of Gilroy who voted in the last

I would like to thank the people of Gilroy who voted in the last election.

Thank you for caring enough about our state and community to make the effort to familiarize yourself with the candidates, the complex issues, and vote. Whether your candidates/issues won or lost, the debates and discussions have contributed to the font of knowledge and ideas needed to help us grow and move forward. You have also modeled the responsibilities of American citizenship to our young people who will one day assume the leadership of our country and community.

Thank you also to the people who were able to take their involvement a step further by contributing their voices, feet, and pocketbooks to the various campaigns.You are an key component of our democratic process. I’d like to thank the people who put up signs and walked the precincts in my campaign for school board: Rhoda and Martin Bress, Jackie Caldwell, Rhona Chan, Judy Hess, Jackie Stevens, my wife and family. My thanks also to the individuals and organizations who endorsed my candidacy. I hope to make you all proud.

There are over 10,500 people (students, teachers, support staff, and administrators) who work together to create a public school day in Gilroy: almost 1 in 4 of us. There is also a supporting cast of 1,000 and more: parent volunteers who help in classrooms, extracurricular activities, parent clubs, and the like. We spend over $80 million of our hard-earned money to fund this production whose aim is to produce intelligent, creative, responsible, and well-informed people to become the new citizens and leaders of our country. Our tomorrow.

My phone is 848-2602 (listed in the phone book), and my e-mail is bu*****@ms*.com; please don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas, questions, or concerns. I plan to attend as many school related events as I can fit into my family and professional life – but if you don’t see us (school board members) often enough, please invite us. I encourage you all (if you don’t already) to contribute your creativity, talent, and enthusiasm to our local schools – in any capacity you can. We need you to help make Gilroy schools the best in the country. In the process you’ll meet wonderful people who are working together for the greater good of our children and community.

Tom (Athanasi) Bundros, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, Nov. 26 to ed****@ga****.com

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