Outdoor amusement parks in California counties in the Red Tier of the state’s Covid-19 reopening plan will be allowed to welcome back customers next month, the California Department of Public Health announced Friday afternoon.
Live outdoor sporting events and performances will, too, be allowed to return in all counties across the state—regardless of what tier they’re in—under the CDPH’s updated guidance for outdoor activities.
Under the guidance, amusement parks will be allowed to reopen at 15 percent capacity in the Red Tier, the second most restrictive tier of the state’s four tier system. They may increase their capacity by 10 percent in the subsequent orange and yellow tiers.
Only in-state visitors will be allowed, and masks will be mandatory, as well as several other public health precautions, according to the CDPH.
Live outdoor sporting events and performances will be allowed in every tier. Like amusement parks, they face strict capacity restrictions.
In the Purple Tier, capacity will be limited to 100 people or fewer and attendance will be limited to regional visitors. Advanced reservations will be required, and no concession or concourse sales will be allowed. In the Red Tier, capacity will be limited to 20 percent. Concession sales will be primarily in-seat (no concourse sales). In the Orange Tier, capacity will be limited to 33 percent and in the Yellow Tier capacity will increase to 67 percent.
Attendance will be limited to in-state visitors in the red, orange and yellow tiers.
Santa Clara County moved into the Red Tier on March 3. Gilroy Gardens announced in February that it planned to reopen on May 22.