music in the park, psychedelic furs

Congratulations to Mike Hickey of Morgan Hill and Tom Bundros of
Gilroy for winning seats on their respective school boards.

Congratulations to Mike Hickey of Morgan Hill and Tom Bundros of Gilroy for winning seats on their respective school boards.

Of all the candidates in the South County school board races, they were the only two who had a clue as to why hundreds of South County families send their children elsewhere for their education.

It is a gross oversimplification and, frankly, insulting to chalk this up to “white flight” as one incumbent trustee did.

Such a statement focuses on the effect of a larger-than-it-should-be segment of the community that will make huge economic and social sacrifices, while it ignores the reasons why it is making that choice in the first place, and wastes the potential for having many return.

With these two new school board members, I finally feel there are ears that are open to hear us.

I wish them both the best, and hope the ears – and minds – of the other board members are open to them as well.

Dina Campeau, Morgan Hill

Submitted Wednesday, Nov. 6 to ed****@ga****.com

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