Whatever happened to the plans to build the BMX racing track at
the south end of the sports park? It was supposed to have been
completed by the middle of last year.

City hopeful OK for BMX track comes in the next few months

“Whatever happened to the plans to build the BMX racing track at the south end of the sports park? It was supposed to have been completed by the middle of last year.”

Dear Enthusiast,

Red Phone contacted Bill Headley, facilities development manager, who said the city is working to secure the necessary Santa Clara Valley Water District flood easement approval to modify the Sports Park Master Plan allowing the BMX bicycle track.

“The city’s landscape designer, Bellinger Foster Steinmetz and hydrology consultant, Schaaf & Wheeler, have submitted the required hydrology report and are now responding to SCVWD questions,” he wrote in an e-mail. “The city is hopeful the water district approval will be forthcoming within the next few months.”

Land is for PG&E yard

“Red Phone, I have a question. I understand PG&E purchased property here in Gilroy. I’d like to know if that’s true and whereabouts?

Dear Wondering,

Red Phone contacted PG&E spokesman Brian Swanson. He said PG&E acquired about nine acres at 241 Yamane Drive in Gilroy in Oct. 2004, but wasn’t aware of any recent purchases.

“That is an area where we stage materials, such as poles, cable and other electrical equipment that we need to provide service to customers,” he said.

So caller, Red Phone hopes that answers your question.

Belief worthy of sharing

“Calling about the article in the Friday March 24 paper by Cynthia Walker. Just seems like it really belongs in Christianity Today or some type of Christian publication. It is really about Jesus and the whole Bible story about Easter. There’s not really anything saying this is just her opinion or just giving her side of the story, and it’s written in a way that everybody should just assume this is a true story. Unless the Dispatch has articles by Wiccans or Buddhists on their holy days, it almost seems like an embarrassment to have this published. I know it’s her opinion, but it belongs in a Christian magazine. That’s my take.”

Dear Disturbed,

Obviously, her opinion is that her belief in Christianity is important and worthy of sharing with the readers. The newspaper does publish a variety of opinions – like yours – and columns on religion. Chuck Flagg writes weekly in our Friday lifestyles section on a variety of religions. If Ms. Walker wrote exclusively about her Christian beliefs that would be an issue as we do consider breadth in selecting columnists. But the fact is she doesn’t, so we’re not embarrassed. Ms. Walker often challenges conventional thinking, and that fulfills one of the objectives of our opinion page – to make people think.

City responds to water woes

Regarding the March 28 Red Phone item about residents washing debris down the gutter and into storm drains, Dale Jacques, with the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Building Life & Environmental Safety Chemical Control Division, said the water district is limited in what they can respond to.

“Please be advised that the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s ability to respond to illegal dumping is limited to parcels that it owns or has easement. As a rule of thumb that limits SCVWD response to waterways,” he wrote in an e-mail. Illegal dumping that occurs on city streets, gutters, storm drain inlets or on any property within city limits should be reported to the city of Gilroy, non-emergency number at 846-0350 or 846-0430.

The district welcomes public participation in keeping surface water clean and all illegal dumping incidents that are reported to the Pollution Hotline (1-888-510-5151) but that are outside of districts jurisdiction will be referred to the appropriate public agency, he added.

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