49 F
February 23, 2025

Tag: addiction

Gilroy fails on tobacco report card

Gilroy might feel like torching its tobacco report card after receiving the lowest grade in the county for the second consecutive year.

Council OKs outdoor smoking ban

In a bizarre sequence of procedures, the city council banned smoking outdoors in public places Wednesday. Kind of. 

Tobacco license idea snuffed out

Talk of a tobacco retailer's license that would levy an annual $150 to $400 fee on approximately 57 liquor, convenience and grocery stores in Gilroy has been snuffed out.

Outdoor smoking ordinance to be discussed at council meeting

As the city continues to pursue a ban on outdoor smoking in public places, the vast majority of respondents to an online survey say they support such a policy.

Cigar company reopens

The Morgan Hill Cigar Company reopened after the removal and unexpected demolition of many of the shop's key furniture and fixtures.

