52.3 F
October 26, 2024

Tag: from my perspective

From My Perspective: Great is Thy Faithfulness

Faith is discussed in many Bible passages. I’m sure you are familiar with the phrase being justified by faith (Romans 5:1-2), salvation by grace...

From My Perspective: Lead us not into temptation

On this side of Heaven, we will all face temptation. We live in a fallen world with sin, evil and enticement around every corner....

From My Perspective: Come, Lord Jesus

Last month, I wrote about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This, along with recent sermons covering chapters in Revelation and an Eschatology class (study...

From My Perspective: Victory Over Death

Did you celebrate Easter last week with the hope that you have victory over the grave? Easter commemorates the most important event in human...

From My Perspective: He is risen!

A fundamental foundation for Christian believers is commemorated on Easter Sunday (John 11:24-26). Jesus Christ’s resurrection follows 40 days of reflection, atonement, sacrifices and...

