47.1 F
March 10, 2025

Tag: gilroy california

Oh where, oh where does the buck stop ’round here?

Rough 49ers loss. This made matters worse: having to listen to Joe Buck on the TV broadcast. He's unfathomably annoying. Can't Sony or another leading edge TV manufacturer figure out a way to put the AM radio in the TV tuner and sync up the broadcast so you can watch the game and tune into the local radio broadcasting team? Perhaps some bright techie type in audience land has solved this problem. If so, let me know so I can pass on the good news and help stop the Buck stop here.

Two letters: Historic district could save downtown; Realtors say thanks!

National Historic District could be the saving grace for a revival of downtown Gilroy

Gilroy woman charged with murder in fatal DUI wreck

A Gilroy woman who allegedly drove drunk and got into a car accident in Los Gatos Jan. 14 that killed her husband and daughter has been charged with murder, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office.

Gilroy man charged with molesting 4-year-old girl

The Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office has charged a Gilroy man on two counts of molesting a four-year-old girl.

Gilroy woman arrested after wreck kills husband, daughter

A Gilroy woman faces charges of manslaughter and driving under the influence after allegedly causing a car accident Saturday that killed her husband and 26-year-old daughter, the California Highway Patrol said.

How would you describe automobile traffic circulation in Gilroy?

• Fair. We have some issues with weekend visitor traffic and during the week with school drop offs/pick ups.  • Very good. I know I will be in the minority, but for those who think WE have it bad, go experience traffic anywhere else in the Bay Area. We are spoiled. And because we refuse to accept the fact that Gilroy is no longer a small town, we will all pay for it. Since the city currently requires relatively low traffic congestion (high level of service), as we grow that translates into lots of new, very expensive land, pavement and traffic signals all requiring monitoring and maintenance. Guess what, these cost get passed on to residents and businesses ... there's no free lunch! • Fair. I drive during the day if necessary and during commute time. Traffic navigation is not difficult. • Fair. There are a few key intersections where the lights don't seem to be synchronized well. Here are my favorite long-wait spots: 1. 10th St. from Chestnut to Camino - four lights that don't seem to talk to each other; 2. First and Miller where I often wait at a red light only to have the other direction turn red (my green) just as another car comes from that way!; 3. First and Monterey combined with First and Church. I have waited through three light changes to turn left from Monterey onto First because First is backed up from Church to Monterey. I may have the arrow, but no place to go. Good circulation happens at Masten and Monterey, Welburn/Leavesley and Monterey, Leavesley/101 ramps/Outlet & In 'n' Out paths. • Fair ... all depends on the time of day, the schools dictate the traffic flow at 8 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. traffic stinks! • Very good. We are so lucky that all we have to do is avoid the Outlets on weekends and holidays. There's no high traffic except by the two high schools before and after school. Life is good. Try living in San Jose, San Francisco or Los Angeles. The traffic and parking are nearly impossible in those cities. • Fair. Having a main artery from U.S. 101/Monterey Road to the northwest area would be nice, but we're stuck with Welburn, when it should have been Mantelli. When 10th Street finally connects with Santa Teresa, that will be a big help. But, we're growing and we just have to realize we can't "get across town" in 5 minutes anymore! • Not really liking the choices! I believe it is better than fair but not very good! So I will have to go with fair! • Actually, surprisingly good although somewhat heavier than when we first moved to Gilroy, of course. I think the lights around Christopher High School are especially responsive and on Santa Teresa in general. • Very good. I seldom have a problem with traffic except with people who don't pay attention to what they are doing or who don't think that stop signs/lights apply to them or at very high traffic locations around 10th and U.S. 101 or Leavesly and U.S. 101. • Good. The only issues with traffic are around schools when the are starting and getting out. It seems like most schools have plans that work pretty well. On Fridays and holiday weekends U.S. 101 backs up trying to get to Los Banos on Highway 152. • I believe it is good. There are a couple spots that notoriously back up, but they are associated with certain times and can be avoided.

Murder victim had lengthy rap sheet

A 69-year-old Gilroy man who was murdered Saturday morning in his Leavesley Road home had a lengthy criminal history dating back 30 years in Santa Clara County, including a 2008 police raid that turned up drugs, guns and a wanted parolee, according to court records.

Warm start to New Year; good time at Willow Heights

New Year's Day in Gilroy 72 degrees ... so strange, next thing you know I'll start to like rap music or, heaven forbid, duh Raiders. Naw. Weird weather, though, freezing nights - like 25 degrees on the westside for nights in a row - and zippo on the December rain meter. And on the horizon 'tis clear skies. Good for golf tee times, but lousy for ski resorts.

Centered on compassion

CHEERS for the opening of the Gilroy Compassion Center which is now operating during daylight at 8425 Monterey Road. It's the first step in what organizers hope becomes a full-service shelter in the storm for the homeless. For now, it's a place to pick out a donated coat, get a cup of coffee, make a phone call or take a break on the couch while the children play with donated toys. The hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers and donations are needed. Visit gccsoco.org to find out how you can help.

3 letters, including “Marketable historic downtown”

37 old buildings in downtown Gilroy make it a marketable historic district if we just do it

