40.7 F
January 31, 2025

Tag: gilroy community improvement bond

Do you think Gilroy residents should pay to build a water...

• No. I do not want a ‘water theme park’ that might attract older children and change the dynamics of the population attracted to the park, now.

Crayola colorful and $140K per year just not enough for fire...

Got this from reader Kris: “I’m curious about the color of the new taco restaurant on First Street – who on earth approved it? It makes Mi Pueblo look subdued! Is the entire 64 count of Crayola colors on the approved city list for exterior colors?” Funny thing, got essentially the same email on the “new taco place on the corner of 10th and Monterey” so I’m not sure if there’s a new taco place patrol out there or what. Do know that the new taco place at 10th and Monterey is a colorful and welcome sight as far as I’m concerned. I’ve passed it almost daily going to and from the office and it’s been a weed infested, broken glass, crumbling, empty, rat hole mess for years. Paint it bright orange and put a pink bow on it as long as the paint’s fresh, the property is clean and the lights are on. As soon as it opens, I’m going for lunch.

