47.1 F
March 10, 2025

Tag: gilroy police

Bloody pit bull attack at Starbucks

Those passing through Starbucks on First Street and Wren Avenue for their morning lattes were taken aback when the coffee shop’s parking lot turned into a blood-spattered scene around 7:30 a.m. Thursday. The owner of a pit bull fled the scene after his dog allegedly attacked a smaller dog in the parking lot, giving it serious injuries that led to its euthanization, and sending its owner to the hospital.

Police briefs: Illegal encampment and DUI car crashes

Over the past week, Gilroy police have responded to a couple DUI car crashes, burglaries, drug use in the park, illegal encampment and weapons violations. Here are a few standout events:

Support follows stunning accidental gun tragedy

A fatal gun accident is hitting “home on a lot of levels” as community members process the loss of a young life cut painfully short.

Police say investigative report will take quite some time

While the family of the 3-year-old boy who was fatally shot the evening of July 5 has been left heartbroken, the investigation surrounding the cause of his death plods along under a cloud of confidentiality.

Highest number of fireworks-related arrests in three years

Gilroy Police responded to 94 fireworks-related complaints the evening of July 4, according to Sgt. Chad Gallacinao, the highest amount of fireworks calls for at least the past three Independence Days.

Police blotter: June 18 – June 25

Gilroy police arrests June 18 through June 25.

Police briefs: Auto burglaries at Saint Mary’s Church

Gilroy police dealt with and arrested several people over the weekend. Here are some significant incidents:

Plan to take new library back

Gilroy police, City Council, and library staff have teamed up to tackle the problem of raucous teens defiling the brand-new $34 million library building, promising the community that the issue will be reined in before the summer's end.

Police arrests: May 14 – May 22

Gilroy police arrests: For your daily police blotter, visit www.gilroydispatch.com

Police respond to house party in San Martin, riot ensues

The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department arrested two men at a loud party on the 14400 block of Columbet Avenue at 10:08 p.m. on Saturday night when a riot ensued after deputies arrived.  

