37.3 F
March 9, 2025

Tag: phil robb

Fishing for a hometown hero, and choo-choo the Garlic Fest train...

Played a round of golf at Eagle Ridge recently with an out-of-town fellow in a funny hat, a real talker as it turns out. We shook hands, introduced ourselves and he said, “Do you fish?” Then I noticed the fisherman-style boots and pegged the hat. I have fished, mostly with a fly-fishing guide, but I’m not a fisherman. Never played golf with someone who yakked about fishing so much that I thought he was going to pull out a pole when we were teeing off on No. 12, the hole that runs around Santa Teresa Boulevard. Indeed, he went over, gazed across the pond and looked deeply into the water before proclaiming, “Yep, there’s bass in there, I’m sure of it, big bass, too.” In case you’re wondering, yep, he smacked a low liner right into the water – bait for the lurking bass. Saturday morning, you can do better. There’s the Third Annual Jeramy Ailes Fishing Derby to honor our own hero, Corporal Ailes, who was killed in Iraq. It’s at McAlpine Lake in San Juan Bautista. Registration begins at 6 a.m. with the derby from 7 to 11 a.m.  followed by a BBQ and prizes. Cost is 13 and up $35, 12 and under $25, day pass with no fishing $17, 2 and under free. Funds go to the Jeramy Ailes Memorial Scholarship. All the fishy details are available at: mcalpinelake.com/jeramyailesmemorialderby.html. Get up early, bring the kids and honor Jeramy’s sacrifice.

2 letters: Great experience with Gilroy High choir; Defeat Obamacare,...

Unbelievably positive experience tagging along with the remarkable GUSD choirs

