After nearly losing two critical medical centers in Santa Clara County five years ago to bankruptcy, both are now thriving and experiencing tremendous growth...
Santa Clara County is steering $15 million into expanding childcare services in the county, officially launching last week a grant program that was approved...
The Gilroy Reentry Resource Center is celebrating five years of providing crucial services to residents of south Santa Clara County who are leaving jail...
As Santa Clara County lawmakers prepare to approve new political boundaries, some local politicians are raising complaints about the process.
The Board of Supervisors voted...
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian asked his colleagues to sincerely reflect and answer this question: “Does our board believe it can have confidence...
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will consider a resolution declaring no confidence in County Sheriff Laurie Smith at its next meeting Tuesday.
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Dec. 8 to partner with the state’s “California Rebuilding Fund,” hoping to provide as much as $100 million in loans for county small businesses, and to provide an immediate $6 million for low-interest loans for businesses as a first step in a phased approach to a larger loan program.