Tuesday 2.22
City Council Meeting
City Council will hold their regular meeting at 7pm, at City
Hall, 7351 Rosanna St.
Tuesday 2.22
City Council Meeting
City Council will hold their regular meeting at 7pm, at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna St.
Discover LeTip
Gilroy LeTip meets every Tuesday morning at 7am at the Longhouse Restaurant, 8195 Monterey Road.
For details call Craig Bruck at 847-4755.
Swing And Country Dance Classes
Swing and country dance classes are held every Tuesday at Morgan Hill Grange Hall, 40 East Fourth St. Beginning West Coast Swing lessons start at 7pm and Country two-step lessons at 8pm Drop-ins are welcome, and no partner is needed.
Details: 686-0772 or 949-7383.
Bridge Games
Seniors at the Gilroy Senior Center are looking for bridge players to join them from 12:30 to 3pm every Tuesday at the center, 7471 Hanna St.
Details: 848-6803.
Morgan Hill Kiwanis
The Kiwanis club meets every Tuesday at 7pm at Morgan Hill Grange, Fourth Street, Morgan Hill. New members welcome.
Details: 779-2134.
Ladies’ Golf League
Eagle Ridge ladies golf league plays every Tuesday. New members are welcome.
Details: 268-1864.
Weekly Yoga
Join the Mt. Madonna YMCA for yoga on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm with Delores Kent-Olivas. Financial assistance is available.
Details: 779-0208.
American GI Forum
The Gilroy Chapter of the American GI Forum welcomes all honorably discharged veterans with the purpose of assisting veterans with problems and engaging its membership for community activities. The group meets at the Veterans’ Memorial Building, 74 W Sixth St. every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm.
Details: 848-3011.
Open Enrollment
Adams 4-H meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Gilroy Grange hall on Swanston Lane at 7pm Children age 5 to 18 are welcome.
Details: 848-3728.
Native Daughters Of The Golden West
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Wheeler Manor, 651 Sixth St., Gilroy, starting at 7:30pm.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board
The Gilroy Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8pm in the Gilroy Community Services Department Conference Room, 7351 Hanna St.
Wednesday 2.23
Domestic Violence Prevention Luncheon
Community Solutions will host an Interfaith Luncheon focusing on domestic violence prevention on Wednesday, Feb. 23 from 11:30am to 1pm at their Gilroy office, located at 6980 Chestnut St.
For details call Luanne Martinez at 846-4741.
Bingo at San Martin Lions Club on Wednesdays at 6:30pm Doors open at 5pm San Martin Lions Club is located at 12415 Murphy Ave. in San Martin, near the airport.
Call 683-4448 for details.
Square Dancing
Square Dancing with the Gilroy Gliders every Wednesday from 7:30 to 10pm at the Gilroy Grange Hall on Swanston Lane.
For details call Nancy Green at (831) 634-0721.
Senior Citizens Club
The Gilroy Senior Citizens Club meets at the Senior Center, at Sixth and Hanna St., beginning at 11am.
Details: 848-4199.
Send news items to City Editor Robert Airoldi. FAX to 842-2206, mail to Gilroy Dispatch, 6400 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 or e-mail ed****@ga****.com.