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February 11, 2025

Business briefs 6.23.05

Steve Beams: Employee of the Month
– The Employee Awards Committee is pleased to announce the
selection of Steve Beams as the Employee of the Month for June
2005. Steve is an Engineering Technician/Inspector II in the
Community Development Department and has been employed for over two
Steve Beams: Employee of the Month

Gilroy – The Employee Awards Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Steve Beams as the Employee of the Month for June 2005. Steve is an Engineering Technician/Inspector II in the Community Development Department and has been employed for over two years. Rosanna Pellin nominated Beams for his above and beyond customer service on the Santa Teresa Widening Project.

According to Pellin, Beams is dedicated to keeping public service at the forefront of all he does, both on the job and off. She remembers a time this past April while Beams was inspecting the Santa Teresa Widening Project and came across an elderly man who was lost and had wandered around the job site. He noticed the man had a loaf of bread that he had just purchased from a store and seemed to show signs of having an earlier stroke. The gentlemen told Beams he was lost. Apparently the man was just visiting his daughter who lives in Gilroy so Beams called the police department so they could give him a ride back to his daughter’s house. While Beams and the gentlemen waited for the police, they became fast friends and Beams learned about the man’s life from the time he came to the U.S. from England at the age of 33.

Another occasion which tells of Beam’s dedication to the safety and well being of Gilroy residents happened on New Year’s Day weekend after a severe winter storm. He was on his off time but was driving by the construction site on Santa Teresa just to check up and noticed the rains had caused large and dangerous potholes in the project area. He immediately requested that street crews make a temporary repair and Beams stayed at the job site to ensure that all the areas were repaired.

For his bright, positive, and always inspiring attitude he shows throughout all his projects, his fellow employees are proud to recognize Steve Beams as the June 2005 Employee of the Month.

JITB opens first co-branded site in Gilroy

Gilroy – Jack in the Box Inc. announced the opening of its first co-branded site in Gilroy, combining a full-size Jack in the Box restaurant with the company’s proprietary brand of convenience store called Quick Stuff.

Located at 7110 Camino Arroyo, the new Jack in the Box restaurant is managed by Jody Romero. In addition to offering the chain’s full menu of hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, salads, Pannidos and shakes, the restaurant features 24-hour drive-thru service. The restaurant employs approximately 40 local residents and seats 68 dine-in customers. The new Quick Stuff, managed by Mansur Boulett, employs approximately 10 local residents and offers about 3,000 different items, from toothpaste and motor oil to candy bars and lottery tickets. The Quick Stuff also operates a fuel station, with Chevron-brand fuel dispensed at 12 pumps.

“This is a great business model for the company, one that generates revenues from three businesses on a single site,” said Lenny Comma, division vice president of c-store and fuel operations for Jack in the Box Inc. “The businesses are unique, so the concepts don’t cannibalize sales from each other. Yet there are similarities in the kinds of people likely to patronize a fast-food restaurant and convenience store.”

For more information, visit www.jackinthebox.com.

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