music in the park, psychedelic furs

Cassie came into my life only as a temporary guest. My oldest daughter had adopted her from the San Martin Animal Shelter. Within that year’s time my oldest daughter passed away and my loyal dog shortly thereafter.
I am a dog person – never a cat. In all my 70+ years never a cat. My family said, “Why don’t you just take Cassie temporarily until we can find her a good home?”
What a bother she became.
She’d walk on my furniture.
She scratched and tried to bite me.
She was a cat and this was temporary – RIGHT???
She opened a window and escaped, I was worried all day.
What an unbelievable relief when she walked up to me that evening.
She quit scratching, biting and just generally being a pest.
She waits for me by the door and greets me when I come home.
She watches me while I garden and tells me to hurry up and come into the house and be with her.
At night she curls up gently into my lap and watches TV.
I even cancelled a vacation because she was not feeling well.
Cassie quickly worked her clever and sweet personality into my heart and my bed.
– Dan Sergent

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