Dear Editor,
In a story published in the Gilroy Dispatch March 8, City
Manager Jay Baksa stated that the labor dispute concerning the
retirement package for firefighters would cost the city $3 million
and more. He added that the city contribution has increased over
the years. Well Mr. Baksa didn’t have a problem when his salary was
increased in excess of $100,000.
Dear Editor,
In a story published in the Gilroy Dispatch March 8, City Manager Jay Baksa stated that the labor dispute concerning the retirement package for firefighters would cost the city $3 million and more. He added that the city contribution has increased over the years. Well Mr. Baksa didn’t have a problem when his salary was increased in excess of $100,000.
Most California Public Safety Employees receive 3 percent at 50 if they retire at 50. We need qualified police and firefighters and should pay them accordingly for the dangerous work they perform on a daily basis.
Most California public safety employees are understaffed as a result of the inadequate wages compared to similar employees in local governments. Gilroy will continue to lose talented and experienced public safety employees if they are not provided with wages and benefits that are commensurate with their duties.
Gilroy public safety employment should be an attraction for workers. I don’t think Gilroy residents want their safety compromised by diminished or demoralized staffing levels. We don’t want what happen in Louisiana with Katrina when the police and safety employees that were underpaid refused to show up for work following the catastrophe.
Richard Cota, Gilroy