music in the park, psychedelic furs

Congratulations to Ms. Denise Apuzzo, who in her Oct. 24 column,
like the buccaneer ships of old, finally raises the flag of the
colors she flies: the skull and crossbones of moral relativism.

Congratulations to Ms. Denise Apuzzo, who in her Oct. 24 column, like the buccaneer ships of old, finally raises the flag of the colors she flies: the skull and crossbones of moral relativism.

As the typical liberal who preaches the gospel of “tolerance” but by their own words show their own hypocrisy of intolerance to anybody who does not bow down to their ideologies (are you reading this Dennis Taylor?), Ms. Apuzzo (who takes the opportunity to knock Pastor Richard Garcia and Ms. Walker in her own direct loving liberal way) aptly demonstrates that the death of values is alive and well in the liberal agenda.

Case in point, Ms. Apuzzo says “But as an adult club, it is none of my business what they do.” Well Ms. Apuzzo, let’s extend that argument to its logical absurdity: how about if there were 100 of these private “sex” clubs in Gilroy? Would you then care what they do? Would you then care about the impact upon the community? I guess not, because as a moral relativist (and one who lives-out the death of moral values) as long as “consenting adults” participate in these club “activities” it really would not matter to you even if there were 100 of these places operating locally. You’re asking the WRONG questions Denise.

You ask “How does the existence of a sex club in rural Gilroy have a negative impact on the City of Gilroy?” Well, you tell me, how does it have a POSITIVE impact on the City of Gilroy? Can’t you see the headlines now – “SHOP AND SWAP IN GILROY, the Mecca of adult clubs in the bay area … enjoy Gilroy’s sex club outlets too!”

Yeah, this would have a real positive image of the city, a great place to raise a family and have relatives come to visit. Ms. Apuzzo then raises the straw man question “Are any of your constituents directly impacted by the club if they don’t belong to the club?”

As your liberal chum Dennis Taylor says, “horsechips.” That’s not the real issue.

The real issue is that there really is such a thing as “moral cancer.” The Absolute Lawgiver of the Universe, who gave the commandment “Don’t murder” also gave the commandment “Don’t commit adultery.” That was a commandment, not a suggestion. Someone appropriately said “Without a basis in divine law, human law is only a matter of opinion, imposed by force.”

Well, I believe that Divine Law does still apply even in this relativistic culture and the commandment applies whether consenting adults believe it or not or like it or not. But the moral relativist believes everything is relative (is that an absolute belief?), don’t dare make any kind of judgments. Well, too bad.

As you said Ms. Apuzzo, “… that hasn’t deterred some of the good people of Gilroy from getting downright righteous.” Ah, liberal intolerance shinning forth at its best! At least Mayor Tom Springer is not a moral relativist, and kudos to him for taking a stand.

James Fennell, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, Oct. 28 to ed****@ga****.com

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