Should Gov. Brown and state legislators cut the budget elsewhere
to fully fund public schools?
Should Gov. Brown and state legislators cut the budget elsewhere to fully fund public schools?
â– No. All public services and agencies should be scrutinized, cuts should be fair, equal and swift. I believe there’s still plenty of fat in the public schools that could be cut.
â– Absolutely the best thing to do. K-12 education is in drastic need of so much help and there are so many unnecessary give away programs supported by career legislators that are so full of themselves that they have forgotten who they are supposed to be working for. They ALL need to drop that party line nonsense and do what is best for the people of this state.
â– That depends. What do the voters want? Voters can’t voice opinions about that given that the current bunch of legislators are intent on not letting us decide by voting on tax extensions. Do people really understand where funding for education comes from? This situation is very serious for our students and their futures. Will people figure out that life in a democracy means paying for it, and doing the right thing is to get informed about issues, voting for people who represent their point of view about these issues, and contacting the people that they voted for to question them, inform them and discuss with them? Too many of us sit back, take a sound bite, and then grouse. We can’t let these education decisions happen without our voices. Public education is a gift, and we have to support it.
â– YES, cut the welfare budget big time, and allocate those savings to the public schools.
â– No, public school budgets need serious revision.
â– That is hard to say where the other cuts would be? But I would say schools should be our top priority.
â– No more cuts without new taxes. Those who have benefited in our boom times must share with those who are now struggling. A penny saved on education is a pound lost in benefits and savings to our community.
â– I feel like these threats are simply political scare tactics which are meant to make citizens feel like they have no choice but to agree to more taxation. I would like the government to balance the budget, fairly, with the money they have. From an inside point of view, there are plenty of extra dollars within these systems. It’s a matter of making better choices on how the money is spent.
â– Yes, the schools should be the last to be cut. However, districts could look at trimming their costs at the administration level and NOT in the classrooms. Our children are our future.
â– No. The cuts are already unbearable. Our schools do need funding. It’s time for a statewide bond to help schools.
â– No, government needs to live within its means. Gov. Brown is unfortunately using education as a sacrificial lamb. There are places to cut without causing such trauma to education.
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