Should the federal government have a spending cap that prevents it from spending more than it takes in during a given year?

  • You mean like we run our business and home finances? Wow, that would be so logical and founded in common sense that I can’t possibly imagine it being a good idea. Yes, I would say so.
  • No. We have seen that the cap, the debt ceiling, whatever we choose to call it is ineffective in keeping outgo and income in balance. It becomes a football that results in ever-worse decisions by a cantankerous Congress.
  • In a perfect world the answer would be yes. There should be mechanisms in place to track what is being spent and when the limit is hit, then the excessive spending is done. 
  • Yes. The bad example our government has set has lead the American people to follow. This should be the rule not the exception!
  • In a normal world where pixies and fairies run about I would say yes. However, we don’t live in a real world. We reside in a world where a government does what they wish not what is best for the electorate. Therefore the response to the question is No, it will never happen until all politicians go through a cleansing and the lobbyist are purified.
  • Yes. If Clinton could do it, then Obama and Congress can also. Unfortunately it will require taxes increases across the board, spending cuts, and compromise.
  • That sure seems to make sense – isn’t that what every household strives to do? It would also be nice to have a little “cushion” as well. Would love to see our government move towards that policy – can’t happen in one year, but would be nice to have that as a goal in the near future!
  • Shouldn’t we all? Ideally, but I fear impossible to achieve to many variables exist.
  • Disagree. That would be ideal, however when major disasters happen nationally such as 911 and the Sandy hurricane on the east coast or internationally such as the major earthquakes in Haiti and Japan for example, a quick response needs to be made by our country.  This cap would gravely hinder our country’s ability to respond.
  • Agree, in principle but the reality is, how could this possibly be implemented? Who would agree to this among our various representatives, who also represent some special interests as well? The thought of anyone actually addressing the logic of this question is something that I’m afraid won’t become a reality any time soon, unfortunately.
  • Agree, but the voters have to let Congress and the president know that they support a balanced budget with enough flexibility to allow for true emergencies, otherwise the overspending spree will keep going on and on until the U.S. really does fall off the fiscal cliff.
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