Should the city of Gilroy establish a small business incubation
fund, offering low-interest loans and start-up cash for new
ventures identified as needed?
Should the city of Gilroy establish a small business incubation fund, offering low-interest loans and start-up cash for new ventures identified as needed?
– No. If anyone wants to start a business, they can use their own resources, get an Small Business Administration loan from Heritage Bank and or go to a venture capitalist company. There are plenty of local opportunities for start up businesses already. The city needs to focus on the business of the city.
– YES!! Just the ticket for all those brilliant but broke entrepreneurs who wish to open their doors in Gilroy. Take the Demonstration Garden or Children’s Consignment Shop as an example.
– I love and hate the idea all at the same time! Believe the city should assist in bringing business to town however I don’t like the city being a bank. Going to vote NO.
– No, let the banks handle that. There is business money being loaned these days. There is plenty of deferred maintenance around town which that money could be used for.
– Wonderful idea, as long as they don’t fund another taqueria or pizza parlor!
– NO. Keep the city out of free-market capitalism; besides there would be too much politicking to determine what businesses are “needed or desirable.”
– NO, not low interest loans. Incentives, yes. Waive fees, assist permitting, assist location finding, facilitate favorable rent arrangements with landlords, reach out to desirable/prospective businesses and encourage opening/relocating utilizing the Gilroy Economic Development Corporation.
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