Collectively grade the performance of the Gilroy Unified School
District Board:
Collectively grade the performance of the Gilroy Unified School District Board:
– “C.” I think they have done a good job with the budget the state has given them. The Board loses points for not having a process in place to verify if new employees have a driver’s license and know who they are hiring to coach students. – Grade “F” – especially with their apparent refusal to hire back unfairly ousted Gilroy High Athletic Director Jack Daley. Appears that Superintendent Debbie Flores bends the rules in her favor, while the Board sheepishly follows along.
– “C+.” They have tough choices to make and sometimes do a great job, but the recent AD Daley decision was not in the best interest of GHS, it’s principal and students. If there is information that is not “public” it needs to be addressed. Reactions such as this is what leads to discontent. People are ready to storm the Bastille!
– “C+.” Considering financial woes, they have had a tough job. They have managed to keep personal bickering and personality conflicts at bay or out of public view. They seem unified in their pursuit of quality education in Gilroy. Big downside is inability to stop the revolving door of managers at district office. Costs and low morale due to inadequate leadership must be high.
– D. The district’s “sky is falling” message in managing their resources is a tremendously reactionary leadership response. Every year we go through the same cycle – “The government is hacking our budget and the ONLY solution is to raise taxes.” While I realize there are delineations in capital and operating budgets, I find it ridiculous to have a $150 million dollar high school and then be told that there is a shortage of resources, once again. The district needs to step back and create a new vision of educating our youth – one that is fresh, measurable and fiscally responsible, maximizing the resources they have. They also need to better engage their best resource, parents.
– B. I would have given them an A except what they have allowed so far regarding Jack Daley’s career at Gilroy High School.
– “B”. When compared to other school boards, it seems GUSD is above average. However, GUSD’s handling of the Jack Daley matter seems to reveal poor collective judgment.
– “D.” The Board has not responded adequately to suggestions made by people in the community to save money. It would be refreshing if they would think outside the box and make some serious changes which would involve hard decisions.
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