Do you think the Sunday Gilroy Farmers Market opening June 5
will succeed?
Do you think the Sunday Gilroy Farmers Market opening June 5 will succeed?
– Yes! We need this for us as well as hopefully drawing more out of towners. Going local is definitely the right thing to do!
– Absolutely, but the community has to step up and support it. If it isn’t exactly what you expect, support it anyway and give it a chance to build. If the farmers/sellers that are there do good business they will spread the word quickly and other farmers/sellers will want to come also. I commend Leadership Gilroy for their efforts in giving a farmers’ market another go.
– Hope so! So much depends on momentum gainedand lessons learned from the June 5th event.
– YES, the Leadership Gilroy class is networking within the community to bring success to their project. This has engaged a broad spectrum of people!
– YES! Great job to the Leadership Gilroy class of 2011!
– Depends on how you measure “success,” but if it’s not raining, sure … i.e. YES.
– Unfortunately, no. I don’t believe downtown has reached the population, business and visitor critical mass necessary to sustain such a market. However, I’ll do my part to pitch in!
– I sure hope so! With a little community support it should succeed.
– Yes. I think Gilroy is ready to support a Farmers Market. It is good for the downtown and the community.
– I pray it does. Then I won’t have to drive to Morgan Hill. I’m a little concerned because in past years it was held at the old bus station parking lot and it wasn’t around very long. I hope Gilroy will support the Farmers Market.
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