Our View: 3 cheers for Mayor Al Pinheiro’s ongoing, committed
focus to reviving downtown. His latest meetings, held in
anticipation of the downtown streetscape project, demonstrate the
city’s interest in helping merchants weather the storm that always
accompanies such major improvements
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

CHEERS: For the Great Oaks Water Company, which is trying to horn in on the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s business. How about it Gilroy? Could residents benefit from a different water supplier via lower costs? Now that truly should be something the city takes a hard look at. Competition can be a wonderful thing.

JEERS: For the huge funding gap in the Gilroy Unified School District’s funding plan. A reminder to school trustees – the bond only passed because the community believed a second comprehensive high school topped the list of projects. It would be unwise to renege on that promise to the residents of Gilroy.

CHEERS: For this year’s winners of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce “Best of Gilroy” honors. It’s an all-star cast:

– Man of the Year, Bruce Williams

– Woman of the Year, Karen LaCorte

– Educator of the Year, Janice Krahenbuhl

– Volunteer of the Year, Joe Duarte

– Large business of the Year, Saint Louise Regional Hospital and

– Small Business of the Year, Country Clutter (Peggy Ghysels and Sue Thurman)

Congratulations! With this group the annual Chamber awards dinner should be a blast.

JEERS: For the city of Gilroy, which has taken more than a decade to deal with the stinking pond it decided to drain at Las Animas Veterans Park. Dirt from the new sports park is being used to fill in the pond, but the plans for the park are anything but concrete. There is a task force that will begin work in January to lay out a plan. Meanwhile, we wholeheartedly agree with resident Dave Shipe: “They can’t just leave it as dirt. That’s ridiculous.” Naw, Dave, that’s the next 15-year plan.

JEERS: For the latest delay in the opening of Chips N’ Salsa, the restaurant that will someday be occupying Old City Hall. The neon sign is an outrageous ornament to the lovely Old City Hall, rather like a tattoo on Audrey Hepburn’s neck, but if the food’s good and the atmosphere’s fun, we’ll live with it. But let’s get the place open.

CHEERS: For the high interest in both the open planning commission seats and the open school board seat. It’s great so many people are willing to get involved in the community.

CHEERS: For generous Gilroyans who give to so many charitable causes during the holidays. Gift trees, cash donations, warm coats … the list goes on. And, if you need a hand finding a worthy charity, please see the facing page.

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