music in the park, psychedelic furs

$50,000 hazmat fine
– West Coast Engineering, Inc. this week admitted liability for
hazardous materials violations at its former location in San
Martin. This admission resolved the civil enforcement action filed
by the Santa Clara County District Attorney.
$50,000 hazmat fine

SAN MARTIN – West Coast Engineering, Inc. this week admitted liability for hazardous materials violations at its former location in San Martin. This admission resolved the civil enforcement action filed by the Santa Clara County District Attorney. The company and its owner, R.H. “Dick” Von Bargen will pay a total of $50,000 in civil penalties and costs and will be permanently enjoined from future violations.

The company was a metal fabrication business that illegally stored hazardous materials and operated without required permits until it was shut down in April, 2002, by a temporary restraining order. The company has since gone out of business. The case was scheduled for trial next week.

Garlic Queen pageant

GILROY – The Gilroy Garlic Festival Association’s 25th annual queen pageant will take place on Saturday, May 3, at 7 p.m. in the Gavilan College Theater. The pageant is sold out. Details: 842-1625.

If the spirit moves you

GILROY – Prepare for Memorial Day by touring Gavilan Hills Cemetery with members of the Gilroy Historical Society. It will provide a fascinating overview of Gilroy’s history, including pioneers, ethnic groups and veterans. Meet at the entrance to Gavilan Hills Cemetery at 10 a.m. Details: Connie Rogers, 842-8494

Saint Mary spaghetti feed

GILROY – Saint Mary School is hosting a spaghetti dinner on Friday, May 2. Take-out meals are ready at 4:30 p.m. with sit-down served from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Saint Mary School gym, located at 15 First St. The dinner is all you can eat and includes spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, wine or punch and dessert. Children can eat for $5, adults are $7. Proceeds benefit the science lab. For ticket information, call 842-2827.

Stay busy at The Wize Owl

GILROY – The Wize Owl is hosting a beauty seminar on Saturday, May 3, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Hair-care professionals, certified skin-care professionals and a make-up expert will speak and offer one free service in a drawing after the event. There will be prize drawings for services and gift certificates, and refreshments will be served. The bookstore is located at 8060 Santa Teresa Blvd. Details: 848-9090.

Flea market

GILROY – Pacific Mobile Estates residents will hold their annual flea market on Saturday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the park – 500 W. 10th St. The clubhouse has recently been undergoing renovations and redecorating so one table of the flea market will be selling kitchen supplies and pictures for the benefit of the Adobe Club, the resident’s social activities club. Everything from antique doll clothes from the early 1900s to almost new tools, clothing, toys and books.

Grad night rummage sale

GILROY – The Gilroy High School Grad Night Rummage Sale will take place on Saturday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the high school. To donate rummage for the sale, bring it to room G-3 between 6:30 and 8 p.m. on May 2. For more information, call Kathleen Diaz at 848-6310.

Fun in the sun

GILROY – On Saturday, May 3, from noon to 4 p.m., children of all ages can have fun in the sun at the Premium Outlets’ first Children’s Fair. Located in the Building C, the fair will include jump houses, free children’s fingerprinting by the Gilroy Police Department, a craft corner, games, prizes, music, entertainment, a raffle and more. All proceeds from the fair will benefit the Oakland Children’s Hospital, the local Miracle Network affiliated hospital. Auntie Anne’s Hand-Rolled Soft Pretzels will give participants the opportunity to learn the art of twisting their very own pretzel. Details:


Best of the best

GILROY – The best of the Elementary Choir under the direction of June Thomas and the High School Chamber Choir under the direction of Phil Robb will perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in a joint concert at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church at 651 Broadway. Details: 848-3583.

First-ever quilt show

MORGAN HILL – The Piece by Piece Quilt Guild of Morgan Hill is hosting its first-ever Quilt Show on Saturday, May 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Grange Hall on Fourth Street in Morgan Hill. The guild has been in existence about eight years and has over 100 members from Gilroy, Morgan Hill and Hollister. Details: Mary Ann Bruegmann, 842-8677.

Beginning Yoga

GILROY – Men are invited to strengthen their muscles, improve their flexibility, and learn relaxation techniques through a beginning TriYoga class. Class meets Mondays, May 5 through June 2, from 6 to 7:15 p.m. The class concentrates on physical and mental techniques that relieve muscle tension, focus and calm the mind, and create energy. Certified instructor Paula Goldsmith creates a welcoming environment that puts the beginning student at ease, yet challenges him physically and mentally. The class meets at the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna St., and the fee is $32. Register at Community Services, 7351 Rosanna St. Details: 846-0460.

Dance with dad

MORGAN HILL – Would you like to have a date with your special daughter? The Lana Wright Competition Dancers are hosting a father/daughter dance on Friday, May 9, from 6 to 9 p.m at Burnett School in Morgan Hill. This is a fund raiser for the Competition Dancers Radio City Music Hall Rockette Experience this summer in New York City. You may pre-purchase tickets for $25 per “couple” and $5 for each additional daughter. Purchase tickets at Lana’s Dance Studio, 16060 Caputo Drive Morgan Hill. Ticket prices will go up at the door. Details: 655-0050.

Fly-in for Cinco De Mayo

SAN MARTIN – The Cinco de Mayo Wings of History will fly into the South County Airport on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4, from sunup to sundown. There will be plane rides, displays, food, free admission to the museum and much more. Details: 779-9444.

Have a field day with 4-H

SAN MARTIN – Come learn about rabbits, poultry, pygmy goats, entomology and bee-keeping at the Santa Clara County 4-H sponsored countywide Small Animal Field Day, on Saturday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the San Martin Lions Club. See what it’s like to care for a small animal. Learn about showing, proper handling, grooming and how to pick out a proper pet or show animals. There will be demonstrations, games, informational displays, a barbecue lunch and other activities. Details: 686-0806.

Sale for flower lovers

MORGAN HILL – The Morgan Hill Flower Lovers Club will hold its annual flower show on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, at the cultural center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. There will be demonstrations, door prizes, raffle and bake sales.

Details: 776-1512.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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